Monday, March 24, 2008

Fast-Food Nutrition, And Associated Ranting

This one's getting done first, while I wait an eternity for all the photos to upload. The vids... OMG. LONG wait. So...

On the way back from the Baltimore airport, we stopped in York to find food. We found, and ate at, a combination Taco Bell / Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Neither of which is renowned for its nutritious offerings, frankly; Taco Bell specializes in sour cream and cheese, while KFC has... Well, everything on the menu (essentially) is deep fried.

So I admit I found it amusing that either of those restaurants have a "healthy food" menu. At Taco Bell, it's the "al fresco" menu, which basically is their normal crapola, minus the sour cream and cheese. (Also minus the taste, but health nuts are used to that anyway, so who cares.)

Right. So, let's look at something. I have before me a brochure (each) detailing the nutrition information for KFC and Taco Bell.

Right. For Taco Bell, far and away the worst single item of food on the menu is the...

Fiesta Taco Salad. With EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY CALORIES; 45 grams of fat, of which 11 grams are saturated fats; 65 milligrams of cholesterol; 1780 milligrams of sodium (80% of your daily value in that one menu item;) this is a sure-fire winner, although the various Grilled Stuft Burritoes have more sodium.

At KFC, you have a tie between the Chicken Pot Pie and the side dish of Mashed Potatoes And Gravy.

The chicken pot pie has more calories (770-740,) fat (40g-35g,) cholesterol (115mg-60mg,)and trans fats (14g-1.5g,) the taters are the clear winner on salt, with a staggering 2,350mg vs. the pot pie's pitiable 1680mg. To put this in perspective, the taters provide 98% of the salt an average human on a 2000 calorie diet needs for one whole entire day.

I guess what I'm getting at, here, is that if you go to KFC, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, Arby's, Wendy's, Chick-Fil-A, Whataburger, Hardee's, Jack-In-the-Box, Sonic, Church's, Popeyes, Quizno's, Subway, Long John Silver's, any pizza joint, anything owned by Yum! Foods International, or Waffle House, looking for nutritious food that will keep you trim and in shape without effort, YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON.

The reality is that these businesses cater to people who want food quickly, cheaply, and without a lot of fuss. In order to do that, they rely on preservatives, fats, flavor enhancing chemicals, additives of all shapes and sizes, and freezing. You cannot get "good" food at a fast food joint because that's not the business they're in, and if you believe Jared Fogel, you're doomed to a life of failure and disappointment.

That is all.