Saturday, July 10, 2004

So, There's This Game Called Baseball...

The Astros LOVE it!

* Friday - Tuesday, July 9-13: FanFest will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center
* Sunday, July 11: the Futures Game and the Legends and Celebrities Softball Game
* Monday, July 12: the Home Run Derby
* Tuesday, July 13: the All Star Game

So, what this means is that all our hotels are full to the brim with people urgently rushing to Houston to go to the convention center downtown and use the batting cages. Somehow, this seems less impressive to me than it apparently does to others. I guess maybe it's because I'm more of a football guy.

Or maybe, it's because, unlike the Super Bowl, there's no money to be made here. See, at the Super Bowl, the cab companies were on the ball. They set up a fixed route for the cabs to go to Reliant Park, set up a refreshment stand for drivers who were waiting in line, got organized, got it together, and the cabbies who participated cleaned up, taking people to their hotels, the airports, wherever.

This time around, though, they had a fit of the stupids, and let the hotels arrange shuttle busing for everyone staying with them for the game. See, what this means, is that there's this huge convention center downtown, with thousands of potential customers wandering around, all of whom already have rides back to their hotels.

Which same means that since most of Houston is tied down with the All-Star frenzy, there's no money to be made anywhere, until next Wednesday. Thanks so much, cab guys! You're just... swell.

Really, really f*cking stupid, but swell.