So, these last couple of days have been reallllllly interesting.
In, you know, a sort of "not" kind of way.
First, on Monday, I managed through a combination of exposure to the elements and total lack of sleep, to horribly violate myself with a case of heat exhaustion that left me unable to work yesterday or today.
Second, my brother, in a fit of proving that he's cooler than I am, came over and played Megadeth on our mother's acoustic guitar in our living room.
Third, my fiancee damn near broke her toe - not once, but twice; not different toes, but the same one both times; on the exact same hallway obstacle both times. I said something, the exact text of which escapes me but was something along the lines of "Didn't you learn where it was from the first time?"
Fourth, I found out today that my wife-to-be swears like a drunken sailor.
(She justifies this by saying "It hurt. I'm not good with pain.")
I'm not either, but REALLY.
(She points out that the SECOND time she did it, she managed to repress the shrieking due to our company, and held it down to a stifled "MMpppPpHH!!")
My father had a car wreck, and bought a new car already.
Tara's very, very close to the end of FFX. Since we don't have FFX-2 yet, she's playing in reverse order - from this one she's going to play FF9. I'm playing Summoner, because I was already so miserable that I figured maybe the agony would provide me some revitalizing contrast.
Being as Tara's very proud of her burgeoning gamer-grrrl-hood, I should make sure to list her achievements thus far.
- Dungeon Siege
- DS: Legends of Aranna
- Diablo II
- Chrono Trigger
- Silent Hill
- Silent Hill 2
- Unreal Gold
- Unreal Tournament 2003
- Tekken
- Dungeon Keeper 2
That's actually a longer list than either of us really realized.
*Takes a moment to reflect*
*Puts his mirror away*
Now, where was I?
Man, what a week!
I'm pretty new to gaming myself and haven't played *nearly* as much as that (for one thing I don't have Playstation and have to sponge off my friends), but I have played FFVIII all the way through and started FFX last semester.
Awesome games. I love the stories and the graphics best. I am more a story person than a game person.
Tara is quite the little gamer girl, although she insists that she's still a newbie.
Nevermind that until we became stricken by poverty and unable to keep our accounts, she was second-in-command of our FFXI gaming clan.
Now, admittedly, I have a tough time getting her to sit still for the kind of games _I_ like, but so what? At least she understands my love for them, and my desire to get past!!!
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