Monday, July 05, 2004

A Simple Game.

Petals Around The Rose

The game is quite simple. Only a basic understanding of math is required and an open and creative mind. The game can be used as an example of how different people look at the world differently, and how these different ways of looking can yield different answers. In "Petals Around the Rose" there is always one correct answer. The problem is how we define the problem.

Just so you guys know, Bill Gates had trouble solving this game. It's not complex - in fact, it's forehead-slappingly-groan-inducingly-OMG-why-didn't-I-see-it easy, but how fast you solve it depends on how you look at problems.

I first looked at this game as a link from somewhere else, it was about 11 pm, and I wasn't thinking too clearly. Looked, and after a few repetitions went *shrug* "ehhhhh."
A few days later, my fiancee asked me if I had ever solved it, and right then when she asked me about it, I knew immediately what the solution was.

This game has very few rules. It's played with 5 six-sided dice, and the players can be told the following information:

  • The name of the game is "Petals Around The Rose."

  • The name of the game is significant.

  • The answer for any given dice roll is either zero, or an even number.

Each player can also be given the correct answer for each given dice throw.

The prime rule for this game is very simple indeed: if you know how to solve it, you can NOT tell anyone else how to do it.

Have fun!