Monday, October 04, 2010

Returning, As Is Only To Be Expected, With An Angry Rant.

...But first, a video!


All that STUFF.

All that extremist, nut-job STUFF.

That, ladies and gentlemen - although perhaps I do myself too great a service in assuming there will be more than one of each kind - is Representative Jan Schakowsky.

She represents Illinois' 9th Congressional District.

To give you a good starting place, before I start swearing, this, folks, is the 9th Congressional District for the state of Illinois:

Gee, that looks perfectly natural, and not at all gerrymandered, doesn't it?

For those of you who may be wondering, "gerrymandering" is the process by which electoral districts are drawn specifically to encompass specific groups of people in the hopes that those districts can then perpetually be relied upon to vote for whoever did the gerrymandering in the first place.

Considering Illinois' 9th District has not only elected Ms. Schakowsky six times, but in fact has elected Democrats in every election since 1949, it must be working.

Since 1949.

The last Republican elected from the 9th District was Robert Twyman, in 1947. Then the 9th was gerrymandered, with what seems to be the greatest possible success, and has stayed so solidly Democratic since then that it voted over 65% for the Democrat for President each of the last 3 times.

So, map notwithstanding, what's IN the 9th District?

Evanston: median income $69K. (11.1% below poverty.)
Skokie: median income: $57K. (5.4% below poverty.)
Morton Grove: median income: $72K. (2.7% below poverty.)
Park Ridge: median income: $110K. (2.2% below poverty.)
Norridge: median income: $57K. (3.9% below poverty.)
Lincolnwood: median income: $83K. (2.9% below poverty.)

By contrast, let's see how Minneapolis-St. Paul (home to 6 of the Top Ten Places To Live In America this year, thanks look:

Minneapolis: median income: $44K. (21.5% below poverty.)
St. Paul: median income: $48K. (15.6% below poverty.)

So, Ms. Schakowsky represents a carefully chosen selection of people who make more money, and have fewer poor, than "the most literate city in America," a place that - between the Twin Cities - contributes over 68% of the total economy of the state of Minnesota, who vote for Democrats every time, reliably as clockwork.

And yet the REPUBLICANS are "always for the rich?"

You lie through your teeth like that, lady, they're going to turn black and fall out, and you'll have only your own tongue to blame.

I haven't touched on the cutesie nickname she uses for anyone who thinks that the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution is actually important, "tenthers."

Guess what.

I'm a "tenther."

I think I'm going to get a fucking T-shirt made.

Because the founding principle upon which our government was built, the idea that government should be the servant of the people, not their master, is not "old stuff."

It's not "stuff."

It's the soul of our nation, and it's how we got so big and cool in the first place.

Ms. Schakowsky clearly not only doesn't care about that notion, but knows full and well that her constituents don't either; after all, THEY won't be affected by her disastrous political and social positions; they're rich.

Of course, the nicely poetic irony here is that when society collapses under the weight of the burdens the chosen and duly elected representative of the 9th District has helped impose on it, the residents of that 9th District will be among the most ill-equipped to survive the ensuing anarchy. How many Democrats do you know with any actual survival skills?

I can survive if you drop me naked in the woods with no clue where I am and no tools.

Of course, if you do that, I will walk out of the woods at SOME point later on and stick a handmade spear between your ribs because dropping me naked in the woods is a really good way to piss me off at you.

But that's not the point. (The point has to be held parallel to the ground, you know, for humans; they walk upright, so their ribs are sideways. For deer, the flat side of the blade should be perpendicular to the ground.)

Don't let me get sidetracked with minutiae, here.

Ms. Schakowsky has the most liberal voting record in Congress.

She represents a district richer - and more yellow-dog Democrat (I'd vote fer a yella dawg if it ran ez a Democrat!) - than the nation as a whole, but also more of both than the Twin Cities, a carefully manufactured voting district narrowly engineered to select particular communities so they could, all as a group, vote for Jan Schakowsky.

She considers our Constitution "stuff," and refers to those who support it as extremists.

You clowns in the 9th, you're getting what you pay for.

I wish you the joy of it; when you discover the inevitable results of your purchase, you will find none, to be sure.

But it occurs to me that the 9th District does NOT contain the "most literate city in America."

And therefore it dawns upon me that I should use smaller words.

Anyone who holds an elected office in this nation who displays this kind of cavalier disdain for the founding principles of our government is publicly admitting that they are a traitor; to this nation, to its principles, to the oaths they swore upon assuming office to protect America from the very things they're doing now, to its most fundamental laws.

Under the new laws our lovely pet Obama has spawned for dealing with terror suspects, a traitor can be shot.

Obama also remains convinced that he has somehow acquired, as President, the mantle of not only sufficient authority to, but sufficient Solomon-like wisdom to decide which U.S. citizens he can order assassinated without trial.

I can't wait to see our next President use that on Ms. Schakowsky.