Thursday, May 28, 2009

Unsurprisingly, I Had Fun.

Now, I talk a lot.

I'm just admitting my limitations; I talk a lot.

But usually I get to do this on the internet, fingers flying furiously as I hunt-and-peck with all ten fingers at 60 words per minute.

Every once in a while I snooker some gullible fool into calling me, and then talk their ear off.

So, I did that to one of my long-standing Multiply buddies today; completely victimized Lee and his lovely wife Janet, who has a sexy laugh that I will no doubt get yelled at in PM for mentioning.

...As it's one of MY evil schemes, I managed to get them to call me, so now I have their mobile number and can text message them with snark. (Didn't think of Caller ID, didja, Lee? Ha!)

Lee and Janet are good people, and I comment more frequently on Lee's blogs than on anyone else's really; I only rarely disagree with him, and when I do it's mostly based on his faith, and my faith, going in slightly different directions. (He's Christian, and I am "I believe there is a creator of some type but find it impossible to believe that a being vast and powerful enough to create the universe and everything in it with a single declarative statement gives a damn whether you eat red meat on Fridays" which are not entirely analogous.)

Lee discovered that I actually talk, well, just like this, only with rather more profanity laced into my conversation than really warranted, necessary, or even desirable; I discovered that Lee is a really funny dude, who has a Southern accent quite gratifying to my ear, being as I live in the sticks in Pennsylvania now and every here talks like, well, Yankees.

We tried - honestly, I know it's hard to believe - to stay away from politics, which we managed until the last 5 minutes or so of our alternating rants, miraculously enough. Lee had a time limit, being as he works in the morning tomorrow, and I don't go back to work until, well, night shift tomorrow.

I love night shift.

I'm not BEING sarcastic, why are you looking at me like that?!?

Anyway, we swapped stories, said hi to the wives, found out that we both met our wives on Yahoo - fuck y'all, internet dating does work - and generally cracked jokes and bullshitted.

...Again complying with the truth in advertising laws, I made the observation at one point that it is a good thing I work in a factory that makes diapers, because they have to have someplace to store most of the things that I say.

Anyway, good times.

We got done, and my wife informed me that we "talk worse than two women."


Be fair, honey, that was just me. Lee barely got a word in edgewise.

Anyway, Lee asked me if I fully understood that i would be reading about this tomorrow.

...I got there first.

...Neener neener.