[* The series as it unfolds:
- You Unmitigated Bastards
- What The Fuck Are Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac, Anyway?
- Community Organizing
- It's Like A Weed, Man
- A House Built Upon The Sand...
- And Like That House, Down It Goes
- None Of You Is Fit To Lead
This is one of them things they use on wikipedia, them "stub" things, so that I can work on this and eventually get it right. So you know, it REALLY WILL be done one of these days.
[* As promised, here is the information you'll need to contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators about this mess, if you are so inspired. I hope you will. I hope you're furious. I hope you're as furious as I am. I hope you tell them so at great length. Here's the info; enjoy.
U.S. House Of Representatives Member Directory By State
U.S. Senate Member Directory By State
And while I'm at it, the president's email address - I hope he gets a ton of viagra ads - is president@whitehouse.gov, and the Veep is vice_president@whitehouse.gov - so use them wisely and OFTEN. *]
U.S. House Of Representatives Member Directory By State
U.S. Senate Member Directory By State
And while I'm at it, the president's email address - I hope he gets a ton of viagra ads - is president@whitehouse.gov, and the Veep is vice_president@whitehouse.gov - so use them wisely and OFTEN. *]
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