Thursday, January 15, 2009

And Like That House, Down It Goes...

[* The series as it unfolds:

  1. You Unmitigated Bastards
  2. What The Fuck Are Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac, Anyway?
  3. Community Organizing
  4. It's Like A Weed, Man
  5. A House Built Upon The Sand...
  6. And Like That House, Down It Goes
  7. None Of You Is Fit To Lead

This is one of them things they use on wikipedia, them "stub" things, so that I can work on this and eventually get it right. So you know, it REALLY WILL be done one of these days.

[* As promised, here is the information you'll need to contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators about this mess, if you are so inspired. I hope you will. I hope you're furious. I hope you're as furious as I am. I hope you tell them so at great length. Here's the info; enjoy.

U.S. House Of Representatives Member Directory By State

U.S. Senate Member Directory By State

And while I'm at it, the president's email address - I hope he gets a ton of viagra ads - is, and the Veep is - so use them wisely and OFTEN. *]