The bailout bill, H.R. 2, passed tonight.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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The House Votes "Fuck Bipartisanship You Commies" |
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Worse And Worse, The Open Theft Becomes... |
The economic "stimulus" plan that Our Fearless Leader is supporting has undergone a metamorphosis.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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Bow Before Your New Commie Overlord! |
Just a brief note before I go off to work on behalf of all the lazy indigents who ride my tax dollars into a life of leisure.
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DIE CITIBANK!!! ...Oh, Wait, They Actually Had A GOOD Idea... |
You may have heard the uproar in the media over the latest example of "corporate greed" in action.
Or you may not.
Monday, January 26, 2009
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Real World Demonstrations Of How To Cure A Recession. |
There's been one, and it didn't involve socialism. In fact, the socialists in Europe have been screaming their heads off to try to get it to stop; I will explain.
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Hey, If President Obama Can Say It, So Can I: Fuck The Poor! |
Overwhelmingly, in this country, the majority of smokers are either poor, or lower-middle-class.
- 30% of people under $5K income: that's 4, 292, 689 (point 2) smokers.
- 34% of people between $5k and $10K: that's 4, 007, 493 (point 98) smokers.
- 30% of people between $10K and $25K: that's 9, 768, 490 (point 5) smokers.
- 26% of people between $25K and $35K: that's 4, 114, 674 (point 98) smokers.
- 21.7% of people between $35K and $60K: that's 5, 491, 200 (point 58) smokers.
- 16% of people between $60 and $90K: that's 2, 879, 551 (point 2) smokers.
- 13% of people between $90K and "billions and billions," which is 2, 679, 231 (point 126) smokers.
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A GREAT Idea From A Questionable Source... |
Namely, Rush Limbaugh. (Hat tip to Mike Hewitt, who posted the article.)
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Continuing To Prove That Bailouts Fail... |
...There's the government of Iceland, which just collapsed.
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President Obama Says No More Earmarks! ...So, What'll We Call Them, Then? |
Despite the campaign promise to end "earmarking," the long-accepted, perenially abused practice of adding pork to any and every spending bill by allowing each and every Congressman to add little line-item "and spend some money on my yokel friend Dwight, back home" spending projects, there isn't any end in sight.
President Obama says no more earmarking? NO PROBLEM.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
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Rewriting History With New Information... |
...Bad when politicians do it, good when archaeologists do it.
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...Change We Can Deceive In |
President Barack Obama.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
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More Editorializing, Just Because. |
Friday, January 23, 2009
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I Got A Better Idea... Why Don't We Get A Chance To Vote For YOU! |
Yeah. What he said.
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Normally, I Have To Editorialize, But Not This Time. |
See, from time to time events occur, and I talk smack about them.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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An Overdose Of Calorie-Free Low-Fat Stimulation |
- $145 billion in "tax cuts."
- $43 billion for increased unemployment benefits.
- $39 billion for expanded healthcare benefits for the unemployed.
- $20 billion to increase food stamp benefits.
- $41 billion for school improvements, including better buildings, computer upgrades and teacher training.
- $15 billion to increase the maximum Pell grant by $500 in 2009-10; plus, increases to the annual unsubsidized Stafford Loan limits.
- $14 billion in tax credits of up to $2,500 a year for college students with an annual income below $80,000.
- $6 billion for college building improvements.
- $79 billion to help states offset education costs.
- $4 billion for more preventative care programs. (Health care.)
- $1.5 billion for improvements at community health centers.
- $20 billion to computerize health care records.
- $87 billion for states to help pay Medicaid costs.
- $6 billion to weatherize moderate income homes, making them more energy efficient.
- $4 billion for homeowners to take up to 30% of the cost of conservation measures as a tax credit, up to $1,500 per person.
- $300 million for consumers to replace old appliances.
- $500 million to help rural families secure mortgages.
- $16 billion in energy retrofits and improvements for public housing.
- $30 billion for highway and bridge construction projects.
- $10 billion for mass transit, including new lines, buses, trains and stations.
- $3 billion to expand congested airports.
- $1.15 billion for better land and sea ports.
- $4 billion for more police officers and equipment.
- $500 million for better airport screening detectors.
- $31 billion to modernize public buildings, making them more energy efficient.
- $3.1 billion for improvements on public lands, including new roads, trails and facilities at national parks.
- $6 billion for broadband Internet access in rural areas.
- $400 million for flood control efforts, which include buying and preserving open land around the country.
- $6 billion for communities to replace aging sewer lines.
- $4.2 billion for towns to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed, vacant homes.
- $32 billion for a "smart" utility grid and renewable energy production.
- $10 billion for science research facilities.
- $145 billion in "tax cuts." How does this play out, exactly? As a $500 / person rebate ($1000 for couples) that is only for people making less than $75,000 a year. In other words, open socialist income redistribution, which I don't like any better when Obama does it than I did when Bush did it. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor is STILL STEALING.
- $43 billion for increased unemployment benefits. This is the same problem as above, but even worse, because it's going to people who aren't even working. For the record, there are jobs available. Plenty of them. It's just that sometimes you have to swallow pride and go apply at someplace where you're making less money then you're used to. Grow up and be an adult; paying your rent is more important than maintaining an image.
- $39 billion for expanded healthcare benefits for the unemployed. Again, just as with the above. Stealing is still stealing, even if you call it something else.
- $20 billion to increase food stamp benefits. Aaaaaaand again. So far, the rich folks who will actually be paying these massive sums in taxes... oh, wait, the only taxes that will go up are the CORPORATE ones, right? Because poor people don't buy things from big companies like Wal-Mart, and so they will of course be totally unaffected when prices go through the roof about 6 months from now. Right.
- $41 billion for school improvements, including better buildings, computer upgrades and teacher training. Weren't they supposed to be doing this anyway, and at a state level? Where's all THAT money been going? Plus, it's funny that it takes $41 billion to upgrade every school building in the country, which is the only way this is even sort of fair, when.... well, I'll hit that in a minute.
- $15 billion to increase the maximum Pell grant by $500 in 2009-10; plus, increases to the annual unsubsidized Stafford Loan limits. Because God knows, if tuition at colleges is too wacky, we should let students get into even MORE trouble with vast student loans that then crush their lives ever after, rather than, say, doing something to reduce the tuitions, like telling colleges "no more federal funding unless you start cutting costs."
- $14 billion in tax credits of up to $2,500 a year for college students with an annual income below $80,000. Which is just plain fake, essentially, since students already get tremendous tax breaks, and that combined with the average college student's income means this won't get applied to, well, anyone, really, since most college students never really PAY any taxes to start with. Except for grown-up rich people who go back to double-dip, I guess. Well, bully for them.
- $6 billion for college building improvements. Because that can't come from the $30,000 a semester colleges are charging in-state students, now.
- $79 billion to help states offset education costs. Like, the ones that they pay for out of property taxes, and for which they aren't supposed to require federal help to tax us again?
- $4 billion for more preventative care programs. Because preventive care is critically important for keeping people from, you know, dying. Which is why it only needs $4 billion, but paying for colleges supposedly already paid for by state taxes takes $79 billion.
- $1.5 billion for improvements at community health centers. Because the communities can't do that themselves, neither can their municipalities out of their taxes, nor can the states with their taxes. It's gotta be the feds... with THEIR taxes.
- $20 billion to computerize health care records. Because it costs FIVE TIMES MORE to pay for data-entry clerks than it does for preventive care. Jesus Christ, doesn't anyone else see how fucking stupid this is? Plus, God knows, I can't WAIT to have a hacker getting into my health care records. "Dr. Finkelstein, isn't that a HEALTHY kidney you're removing?" "Well, the data file says this one has necrosis and is as hard as a pebble, so..." CAN'T WAIT.
- $87 billion for states to help pay Medicaid costs. Because that little program, you know, is too expensive. WE CAN'T AFFORD IT. Because government health care costs too goddamn much for the tax structure to support it. And yet, why NOT throw good money after bad, after all? It's worked so well with the banks... Oh, wait.
- $6 billion to weatherize moderate income homes, making them more energy efficient. This one is... wow. Let's spend billions of dollars of tax money to give poor people the same weather stripping you can get at the hardware store for $4.95 a box. Let's call the poor in this country, oh, I don't know, 240 million of the 330 million people here, and give them five boxes of hardware store weather stripping apiece. Want to bet this program doesn't work that well?
- $4 billion for homeowners to take up to 30% of the cost of conservation measures as a tax credit, up to $1,500 per person. "Conservation measures" presumably including the aforementined weather stripping? So now they can take free money to buy weather stripping and then claim it as a tax credit as well? Jeeeeeeeeez. The stupid, it burns!
- $300 million for consumers to replace old appliances. Why do I suspect that this will somehow magically NOT work out into me getting a new fridge?
- $500 million to help rural families secure mortgages. Because all the other mortgage programs the government's tried have worked... Oh, so well.
- $16 billion in energy retrofits and improvements for public housing. Which is the same program as the weather stripping one above, only this one's for the DIRT poor people living in public housing, not to mention the illegal aliens, which means that it has to cost 4 times as much for far fewer people. GREAT math skills.
- $30 billion for highway and bridge construction projects. OK! Here we finally get to actually create some jobs! Of course, these are construction jobs, which go away as soon as $30 billion worth of highways and bridges are finished, but hey, I've seen construction crews; they can keep that shit going for decades if they play their cards right and have a good friend at the state inspector's office. We'll come back to this one.
- $10 billion for mass transit, including new lines, buses, trains and stations. Here's more jobs! Yay! Mass transit's been SO successful being installed after-the-fact in modern cities, after all. Just look at Houston!
- $3 billion to expand congested airports. Just $3 billion? I've been all over the place, and I've NEVER been to an airport that wasn't "congested." What we NEED in the airports, is less crap between passengers and "getting on the damn plane." THAT will decrease congestion, let me tell you.
- $1.15 billion for better land and sea ports. OK, what precisely is a "land" port? I know what a sea port is, but a land port? How does a ship sail anywhere on the land? I must be missing something.
- $4 billion for more police officers and equipment. THIS one I actually approve of, since this is a legitimate function of government, and they should be doing that anyway.
- $500 million for better airport screening detectors. Again, this is legit, but why aren't they doing this anyway?
- $31 billion to modernize public buildings, making them more energy efficient. How come "stopping terrorists from flying more planes into buildings" costs only $500 million, but "modernizing public buildings" is worth $31 billion - 62 times as much? Maybe it's MY priorities that are screwed up here - but I don't think so.
- $3.1 billion for improvements on public lands, including new roads, trails and facilities at national parks. This, again, should already be happening from the vast sums of money we pay in taxes for this every year, but hey, who's counting at this late date?
- $6 billion for broadband Internet access in rural areas. Because the government is supposed to be doing this, instead of Embarq, Verizon, Comcast... Oh, wait. While I'm at it, note that public buildings using CFL bulbs is worth more than 5 times as much as y'all hayseed motherfuckers getting to use Hulu.
- $400 million for flood control efforts, which include buying and preserving open land around the country. That's right, buy up MORE public lands, which then become permanently unavailable to individuals, and cost the public for upkeep, maintenance... Flood control...
- $6 billion for communities to replace aging sewer lines. Because this is not the job of, say, the communities, and their local governments. No, we need to steal from people in Idaho, to pay for sewer lines in Florida.
- $4.2 billion for towns to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed, vacant homes. Which will make SO much money, after they then sell those houses at very reasonable rates to people who are.... low income minority families that will then default on their mortgages and leave the towns holding the bag A SECOND TIME...
- $32 billion for a "smart" utility grid and renewable energy production. This is actually a good thing, and needs to happen, and it is NOT the job of the federal government; it is the job of the power companies that own those grids, period.
- $10 billion for science research facilities. And finally, this, which... I don't personally agree with - same reason, my money, not theirs - but at the same time, a lot of good has come out of government science labs, like VX nerve gas, nuclear weapons, weaponized anthrax, why, the list just goes on and on!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
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FOR THE RECORD! (Do Not Read If Easily Offended. Actually Probably You Should Just Steer Clear Of This One.) |
Let's begin.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
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Returning You To Your Regularly Scheduled Ranting And Vitriol... |
...Oh, yes, I am.
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None Of You Is Fit To Lead |
[* The series as it unfolds:
- You Unmitigated Bastards
- What The Fuck Are Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac, Anyway?
- Community Organizing
- It's Like A Weed, Man
- A House Built Upon The Sand...
- And Like That House, Down It Goes
- None Of You Is Fit To Lead
Again, this is one of them wikipedia-style stub thingys.Not a chupathingy.That's a flying laser death ray.But really, this is just a placeholder until the real article's ready to post, so I don't forget to do it.
U.S. House Of Representatives Member Directory By State
U.S. Senate Member Directory By State
And while I'm at it, the president's email address - I hope he gets a ton of viagra ads - is, and the Veep is - so use them wisely and OFTEN. *]
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And Like That House, Down It Goes... |
[* The series as it unfolds:
- You Unmitigated Bastards
- What The Fuck Are Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac, Anyway?
- Community Organizing
- It's Like A Weed, Man
- A House Built Upon The Sand...
- And Like That House, Down It Goes
- None Of You Is Fit To Lead
This is one of them things they use on wikipedia, them "stub" things, so that I can work on this and eventually get it right. So you know, it REALLY WILL be done one of these days.
U.S. House Of Representatives Member Directory By State
U.S. Senate Member Directory By State
And while I'm at it, the president's email address - I hope he gets a ton of viagra ads - is, and the Veep is - so use them wisely and OFTEN. *]