Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Right; It's Time For Another Campaign Trail Update!

Some few of you might remember a while back - August of '07, specifically - when I posted a whole series of 10 election predictions.


Then I posted when the first set of them came true.

Then I posted again with more of them.

As of now, I am 7 for 10 - and the three remaining ones were predictions about what would happen AFTER the elections.

You see, #'s 6 and 9 are now 100% confirmed, with #2  being at least partially so.

That would be:

2. There will be sex scandals "discovered" about each and every Republican candidate.

As, indeed, has been the case with everyone with a significant chance of winning the nomination; Giuliani's marital issues have been brought up, as was Mitt Romney's support of polygamy in the past. McCain's family has been brought up repeatedly, despite the fact that he seems happily married now, and everyone pretty much considers it a dead issue. There are still reporters around trying to flog that dead horse some more, though.

6. The only two candidates running who have decent platforms will not get their party nominations. (That'd be Bill Richardson of the Dems, and Ron Paul of the GOP.)

(I will note here that this was before ol' Dr. No came completely off the rails - or at least before I realized he was. I can forgive - to a degree - foreign policy retardedness if you can get domestic issues on track, but fundraising with Nazis was a bit much.) You'll note that the confirmed candidates are Barack Obama and John McCain. Actually, i could have posted this one as true months ago, but I wanted to hold off until the Democrats settled on one nominee first.

9. No matter the outcome of the election, there will be a slew of angry rants by people with tiny brains, demanding the removal of the electoral college, as though that would somehow improve things.

You'll note that this one we didn't even have to wait for the end of the election to find out; people started making dumbass rants about the electoral college months ago.

For the record, my view is that the electoral votes should be divided - at a state level - by the percentage of the popular vote, in the individual state - and apportioned to the candidates proportionally. The only other thing I would change is to require the electors - nationally - to follow their state's results, and vote as directed, removing the "vote my conscience" option from them.

Of course, in strict point of fact, if they actually did this, the Republicans would be in the White House for the next, oh, I dunno, always.

Considering that both the Republicans and Democrats are messed up - although to different degrees and in different ways - that's a bad idea, too.

So, anyway, this is my third "confirming my own suspicions" post about the '08 elections.

Hopefully I won't have to post after the elections confirming the other ones, too. But so far I've been dead in the black.