Sunday, July 01, 2007

Several Quick Notes...

Ok. First, I want to say that I grew up watching The Transformers. But I have been highly skeptical about the live-action movie, largely because Michael Bay is not known for his
directorial skill; he has, to date, made one movie I liked.

Now, the trailers make the movie seem much more impressive, and that's good, but let me tell you - sending the film reels to theaters in locked cans with combinations to be sent on opening day, to prevent advance "buzz," means it sucks. It SUCKS. I mean, if you don't want word to get out about it at all, that means your movie BLOWS ASS, and you KNOW IT DOES, and are hoping to make enough on opening weekend to make up for the fact that after opening day, no-one will see it again, ever.

Second, New York's Finest proved themselves again recently by arresting a man for reading the First Amendment - you know, the one that says "you can say wtfever you want," - through a bullhorn at a rally. Go, FREEDOM!!

Third, if you're ever in line waiting to buy the new, hot electronica, pray, PRAY I tell you, for this woman to show up. She's rich, and stupid, and that means you can make money.

Now, I know any Superman fans out there have to be wondering why the most popular and well-known Superman storyline of all time has yet to get the movie treatment; fear not, DC heard you. But rather than spend some number of million dollars to try to make a live action movie and inevitably fuck it up, DC had the brilliant idea of making Superman: Doomsday - the film version of the "Death of Superman" story - into an animated movie, instead, so that they could horribly fuck it up in a new and different way.

At any rate, it'll be direct-to-DVD, which means it will come packaged with bonus extra suck, and devalue the intellectual property and the franchise itself even further. Oh, and they pulled the entire Justice League out of the movie, and left Superman all by himself from the get-go, for the simple reason that they wanted Superman to be the only hero in the movie, despite there being like dozens of characters in the graphic novel.

Go, DC Comics!