Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Quick Notes, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY 1 of 2

First, I would like to say that despite all the hoopla about Wal-Mart being an evil corporation, I've never seen any evidence of it. They run their business in a perfectly respectable way, and if people not working for them aren't happy with the way they get out-competed, well, sucks for them.

That said, Wal-Mart has finally done something that actually IS reprehensible, and thankfully, they're getting in very - potentially cataclysmic - serious trouble over it.

See, secretly, Wal-Mart had apparently been buying up life insurance policies on their employees - as many as 350,000 of them - and collecting the cash when their employees keel over. They stopped buying the policies in 1995, but they kept right on collecting the payouts without telling anyone, because they count as non-taxable appreciative interest income, which means that the longer you live, the more money Wal-Mart makes off you when you die.

Now, see, that really IS fucked up. Good thing they're getting sued for it, hmmm?

Because Kitty Genovese is completely forgotten, history repeats itself; LaShaunda Calloway died in a mall on June 23rd, after being stabbed, because five other mall customers STEPPED OVER HER TO BUY SNACKS, and one even stopped to take a picture of her with a cell phone camera; not one offered assistance. Police have not yet released the security camera video, but I assure you that if they do I will be reposting it.

This article... well, just read the headline. Awesomeness.

Dr. Ron Paul considers himself to be a contender, apparently, and he may be more on the money than the party bigwigs are willing to admit. After he discovered that he had not been, and was not going to be, invited to a debate forum with 6 other Republican candidates, he simply held his own rally next door to the forum, and drew a bigger crowd. That's the way, doc; show 'em how it's done. I still won't vote for you, because you haven't got a chance in hell this time around, but that's a damn fine showing, right there.

And last but not least, vindication is a fine thing. The Goldman family has won their court case, and they are now working on a publishing deal to bring O.J. Simpson's book on how he killed his wife, and Ron Goldman, to press under the title "Confessions Of A Double Murderer," which is unquestionably more accurate.

Just thought I'd share.