Sunday, April 27, 2008


Since I began posting my thoughts on the web several years ago, I have often posted my thoughts in a form which, while certainly expressive of my viewpoint, has been perhaps less than articulate, and sometimes somewhat unprofessional. The thing is, we're coing into a time in our history when we MUST be able to articulate our core views; we MUST be able to understand the viewpoints, and principles, of others; and in fact, especially in a time of misdirection and dishonesty like this, we must be able to present our core values in such a way that they're clear and easily understood.

Accordingly, I am opening a new section on my site; using the "principles" tag, and the Tagged Content box feature of Multiply - as you may have noticed I've done with everything else - in which I will be posting articles intended to do just this; elucidate my core values, the bedrock principles by which I make decisions, in such a manner that others cannot misunderstand them.

Now, don't worry; in the rest of my site, you may continue to expect your regularly scheduled ranting and vitriol; this is simply an initiative I'm undertaking myself.

But if you're interested, I urge you to do the same thing; for this one section, this one idea, wear your heart on your sleeve a bit. Create a section for "principles" on your page. Post into it those things that you use to guide your decisions; the rules by which you live your life. This is not about politics; this is not about religion; this is about what you believe is right and wrong, and why.

Almost more importantly, if anyone else joins me in this, read what people post in these sections. You may not agree; but if you DON'T, be polite; try to disagree logically; try - really hard - not to simply scream at people, or disagree based on "I feel." Try really, really hard to have a reason for what you say, or don't.

Be respectful; when someone shows you who they really are deep inside, you owe them that much. But I urge you to join me. Be brave; the worst that can happen is that people will disagree with you; and frankly, people who would disagree with you about the base principles by which you live your life aren't people you'd likely hang out with, anyway.

You don't have to do this; hell, it may end up being just me, all alone; but if so, that's ok.