Monday, December 31, 2007

Too Busy Drinking To Write A Retrospective, So...

...more Election Predictions Coming True!

You may remember my posting a series of election predictions for the ongoing Presidential race. You may also remember my posting when the first of them, sadly, came true.

Well, are you ready? Here's a couple more, sadly, right as I predicted. You can call me Nostradamus any old time now.

Let's see; prediction #1:

"1. There will be constant threats of terrorist action - they've already begun - running all the way through the election, at which time they will mysteriously vanish. "

Right. Leaving aside attack rhetoric by Iran, Syria, Palestine, North Korea, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban, we now have the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the wildly popular Pakistani opposition leader. Al-Qaeda has been trying their asses off to destabilize the government of Pakistan - an openly nuclear-armed nation, by the way - and despite fingerpointing by the government, claims that Bhutto was in fact killed by Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf's personal forces. Destabilization, to the point of rioting in the streets? Check. Huge potential threat to the West and our allies? Oh, yeah. Evidence of government complicity, or at least a coverup? Check. Sounds like #1 is covered, guys.

#4 is also being demonstrated, gradually:

"4. EVERY SINGLE PERSON RUNNING will get "swift-boated" by some group or another."

Like, you know, Obama with everyone pointing out that he's a drug-addled Muslim; Clinton with - errr - everything; Edwards with his astonishing desire to raise your taxes to the point of total economic collapse; Giuliani with the NYPD and NYFD saying he didn't do squat; Romney on being Mormon; Huckabee on being a Christian, as well as completely incapable of doing a good job; Thompson for being too relaxed to run a campaign; Richardson for being utterly pig-ignorant about international conditions; McCain on being dangerously unbalanced; and Ron Paul for believing in UFOs and hanging out with Neo-Nazis. #4? CHECK.

And now for the fun stuff. Ready for prediction #3?

"3. There will be financial misdealings present in the portfolio of every single candidate with poll numbers over 1%. Don't worry, as we close on election time I will break out the hard numbers to back this one up."


Here we go:

  • Hillary Clinton: (D) 10% of her $90 million is thus far out-of-compliance with FEC regs requiring disclosure.
  • Mitt Romney: (R) 7.4% of his $62 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Barack Obama: (D) 11.8% of his $80 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Rudy Giuliani: (R) 10.3% of his $47 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • John Edwards: (D) 9.8% of his $30 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • John McCain: (R) 5.4% of his $32 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Bill Richardson: (D) 3.9% of his $18 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Fred Thompson: (R) 24.9% of his $12 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Chris Dodd: (D) 5.3% of his $13 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Ron Paul: (R) 11.4% of his $8 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Joe Biden: (D) 15.3% of his $8 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Dennis Kucinich: (D) 25.1% of his $2 million is as yet undisclosed.
  • Mike Huckabee: (R) 9.5% of his $2 million is as yet undisclosed.

So, I would call #3 a gimme.

I would note, here, guys, that I hate to be right in this instance; I wish I wasn't. But the thing is, until people comprehend that both sides of the aisle are equally corrupt, equally shitty, and equally useless, and until we get some new blood - by which I mean, some independents, some libertarians, SOMEONE FROM ANY OTHER FUCKING PARTY BESIDES THESE TWO ROAD CARNIVALS, things in the States are going to remain as they are, and thus predictable in their venality and corruption.

Maybe after this election, we can get around to electing someone else.