Tuesday, September 04, 2007

See, I Told You So...

Right. You may remember me saying something about how the Wii would win this generation of the console wars - as far back as October of 2006 - despite lacking the graphical punch of its more expensive competitors.

The sales numbers for August, for Japan, just came out.

Nintendo sold 245,653 Wiis in Japan in August.

Sony sold 81,541 PlayStation 3's.

Microsoft sold 11,288 XBOX360's.

So, the Wii is beating Sony by 3-1, and Microsoft by 22-1 or so.

The funniest thing about the article is that Sony is delighted that they're only getting their ass kicked 3 to 1; it WAS 6 to one in June.

I would give off an evil laugh, but I'm too busy playing Guild Wars on my PC.