Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hollywood Revisits The Past: Mother's Day, Part 1 of 4

Yes, four articles today, to make up for the preceding few days of not very much.

In December of 2005, I posted an article in Xeno's Paradox about a scandalous event in Enumclaw, Washington.

A man went to a barn, sexually molested a horse, and the horse screwed him to death. Now, that's gross, but not all that important in the grand scheme of things, so I didn't do much follow-up on it, and since I didn't realize that the news site would remove the article, you know, 2 days after they posted it, I didn't exactly flesh things out with a lot of detail.

Unbeknownst to me - because really, zoophiles aren't of THAT much interest - it turned out there was more to the story after all. In fact, the man and his friend were members of a secret society of Seattle-area zoophiles, people who sneak out to area farms and screw, or get screwed by, animals.


But, since Hollywood is more fascinated by the grotesque than am I, a film is making the rounds in Seattle, describing the incident, and its meanings.

It's called "Zoo."

Really, nobody ought to see it, I suspect; there's not a lot filmmakers can really do to make a horse-buggering trespasser all that sympathetic, but that doesn't mean they didn't try.

Maybe it's because of the incipient Writer's Guild strikes; Hollywood is running out of people willing to dredge up TV shows from the 1960s and rehash tired franchises with sequel after sequel. I don't know. But I do know that "going to see a man about a horse" takes on a whole new meaning these days.