Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wow, Great Connection To Reality You Got There...

Swiss And Belgian Police Raid Razorback Filesharing Servers

Razorback2, which has been one of eDonkey2000's largest indexing servers has been taken down by Belgian and Swiss Authorities. Belgian Federal Police have raided and seized Razorback2's servers at the Internet Hosting centre and the Swiss authorities have arrested Razorback2’s operator at his home in Switzerland. According to the MPAA, this is a major blow to file sharing users and as a result, the authorities have succeeded in taking down all the major eDonkey servers throughout Europe and the US.
Well, how big a blow, really?

Well, reports that the eDonkey network is down from 3.5 million users to 3 million users, which is a major shift, sure enough.

Except I got to wondering... how accurate is this, anyway?

So I go to the eMule homepage and download the client. After all, if I download nothing, nothing is wrong with looking at the serverlist, right? And with Razorback being down, and approximately a seventh of all the users in the whole network out of commission, I wouldn't even be able to connect, right?

So, I install the client, run the setup wizard, and look at the server list, only to see:
Servers. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of servers, some claiming over 800,000 clients apiece. In fact, the client returns a list of (it claims) 22 MILLION clients connected.

I uninstall the client, laughing my ass off.

Clearly, the MPAA has an inflated idea of their impact on the filesharing community. Good night, all.