Friday, June 03, 2005

More Very Weird Happenings...

The MPAA, Movie Pirates Extraordinaire!

”Most appalling, says Stewart, is the fact that it would’ve been so easy for the studios to pay her for her work. “It’s a greater crime for the rich to steal because they have the money to pay for it. Why should the poor and the weak suffer? We’re not going to take anymore crap.”

That's right. The Terminator and The Matrix were stolen from a script treatment by a grad student, long ago. Boy, it's a good thing those evil pirates have the MPAA watching out for them.... Oh, wait. The MPAA members are the ones who did the stealing.
Oh, the humanity.
Oh, the IRONY.

Falling under the category of

Guaranteed To Make My Wife Angry,

science proves that love is an addiction, and nearly identical to mental illness.
Dennis Rodman is going to compete in a "Wife-Carrying" race, porn will soon be available for your PSP - IF you live in Japan (where else?) and some crazy guy in Duluth doesn't want his $617,000, and will thank you to leave him alone.

TV stations have run out of things to do with their time. One station in Denver decided to play "Candid Camera" on a FOX investigative reporter - and discovered that he was doing the same thing to them. Hi, you guys! You're on live TV!

Preschools have also run out of things to do. This, however, is not their fault, but is instead due to the never-ending tide of social workers trying to insulate kids from reality even more than they already are. Thus, the birth of the "behavior contract." This is rubbish; how you can expect a five-year-old child to abide by a contract which could result in legal consequences for his or her parents is utterly beyond me. Even a perfect child, and I don't personally know of any, will sooner or later have a bad day and act out. Here, take it - this is your reality check. I will cash it for you: YOU ARE AN IDIOT.
Thank you. That is all.

On to other matters:
A double-leg amputee in South Africa has a VERY good chance of qualifying for his country's Olympic team for 2008 - in the 200-meter sprint. Oscar Pistorius now holds the world record in the 200-meter dash for amputees, at 21.97 seconds - a time only 1.2 seconds short of qualifying for the Olympic team. To put this in perspective, 100 meters is approximately 1.3 football fields, and this guy can do twice that far in 22 seconds. That's just plain fast as hell. YOU GO, OSCAR!! We OUGHTA be proud of this guy.

Seminole County, Florida has thrown out hundreds of breathalyser tests because the manufacturer won't tell the court how the tests work. This one stands by itself; it doesn't really need much in the way of commentary, does it?

If you play a prank, and it's so cool that school officials decide to make it permanent, you are legend. That is all.

And last, but definitely not least, Microsoft strikes again. Realizing that most people don't actually READ the Blue Screen Of Death when their computer crashes, they've adopted a new tactic for the upcoming Windows Longhorn. Microsoft's next-iteration operating system will feature the BSOD for "simple" errors, but for more serious crashes, the OS will now feature a RED screen Of Death. That's right. a RSOD. How this will affect users, who mostly just want the damn things to quit crashing, is anybody's guess.

Ok, isn't that enough for one week?