CNN brings us this tidbit:
"I am consoled by the fact that the Lord knows how to work and how to act, even with insufficient tools, and I especially trust in your prayers."This, from our new Pope, formerly Cardinal Ratzinger of Germany, now to be known as Benedict XVI. Great. Just what we need. As though the Catholic church weren't aligned heavily enough against American interests, now we have a Pope from Germany.
God forbid any Catholics here should vote the way they're told to by the Pope - oh, wait, they do. Wonderful. Yet another voting bloc determined to prevent America from getting anywhere, by keeping our government so busy trying to pacify interest groups that it's incapable of helping anyone else out.
Truly, it amazes me how blind people are to the way things work in the world. When the second war in Iraq started, and all the idiot peaceniks came out to tell the world that we were being bad, evil imperialists, I was soooooooo tempted to go to New York to join the protest, wearing a shirt saying "Stop Yankee Imperialism! Help Saddam Murder Millions!" or something similar. Oh, wait. Someone did.
Someone who will go to an affirmative action rally, carrying this:
God bless 'em. Thank you,, for saying / carrying / wearing all those nasty truths that liberals don't like to hear.
Maybe we SHOULD get around and nuke the moon, before it's too late to do any good.
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