Monday, April 18, 2005

...And Now For Something Completely Different...

No New Pope Yet...

(AP) - Black smoke poured from the Sistine Chapel's chimney Monday evening, signaling that the cardinals sequestered inside for the first papal conclave of the new millennium failed to elect a new pope. The black smoke meant the 115 voting cardinal "princes" of the church would retire for the night and return to the chapel Tuesday morning for more balloting in their search for a successor to Pope John Paul II.
Now what's really cool about this is that ABC, in a stunning departure from the norm for them, interrupted their normal scheduled programming to tell us this, and then spent 35 minutes analysing what it meant.
Sadly, they didn't have anything new to tell you after that; there's no new Pope, and the old one's still dead.
That is a news report that could have been finished in a whole big scary five minutes, maximum, but instead they wasted a huge chunk of time rambling on and on about the "implications" of it all.


FOX News channel does the same thing, though; on Sunday night they interrupted the audio feed from House Majority Whip Tom DeLay's speech to the NRA to explain to us what he was saying.
Errrrr, thanks, guys, I'd rather hear it myself.
Topping that off was the fact that the talking head they got to report on the speech was Geraldo Rivera, he of the KKK-fighting broken-nose TV show where they bring ridiculous people on TV and then take them seriously for no reason anyone with a lick of sense can understand.
Great for the old FOX credibility, you know?

The good news is that the site is back; now that I have a place to post from, semi-regular updates will resume.
*pause for cheers of excitement*

