Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Way To Go, So-And-So!

The Movie Studios, At It Again...

The companies are also asking for Microsoft to nix the "bible" (guidelines set out by Bungie in order to ensure the movie does not contradict any source material in the Halo universe).

That's right, there's going to be a HALO movie. That's right, it'll suck. The sticking point in the negotiations is - read the quote - the idea, the very notion, that the movie ought to stick to the rules laid out in the games / books.
Didn't they get the idea when audiences universally thought that Alien Vs. Predator sucked horribly? Naw, it was cellphones and internet piracy - even though cell phones would have been used to warn friends not to see that piece of crap, and no-one bothered to download it. See, filesharers only download the GOOD movies. Duh.

To me, if we know in advance that it will suck and not be anything at all like the games and books, then who GIVES a damn if The Rock is in it? it's still going to suck. No, really. I mean it. And I like HALO. Way to go, Universal!

In other news, the Secretary General of the increasingly irrelevant U. N., Kofi Annan, is (big surprise,) now implicated in illegally granting U. N. contracts to his relatives. Of course, this will somehow be explained away, as he was one of those in the U. N. that didn't want to go to Iraq in the first place. Way to go, Kofi Annan!

There's a sect of polygamists in Utah that's gotten itself in trouble for being militantly stupid. See, they believe that for a man to go to heaven, he has to marry at least three women. The problem with this, of course, is that sooner or later you run out of teenage girls. Unless, that is, you excommunicate and banish all the teenage boys. The problem, of course, is that you now have several hundred angry, embittered teenagers who aren't getting any who would make just dandy witnesses to the ongoing, widespread child abuse among the sect. Way to go, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Scientists have discovered that drinking diet soda can make you obese. That's right, use the diet drinks, get fat. Why? Because unlike fruit sugar (fructose) and other naturally occurring sugars, which your digestive system can process properly, diet drinks are made with artificially created derivatives of those same sugars and other artificial chemicals, which your body can't process at all. Which is also why diet sodas can give you kidney and liver disorders. Way to go, Nutrasweet!

Michael Jackson has been acquitted on all 10 charges against him, despite 3 people claiming to be his victims and a mountain of evidence against him. It's nice to have money; now Jackson can go out and molest even more young boys whose parents are morons. Way to go, Santa Maria, California!

Aurora, Colorado residents were horrified on Sunday when a huge fire broke out in an apartment complex. Not because of the fire, but because after calling 911 over a dozen times, and fighting the fire themselves, they were told by the fire department:
Jones said the department will thoroughly investigate every call that was made. One possible explanation for any delay could be that several people called 911 on cellphones.

Depending on where cell towers are located, calls may have been routed to Denver or Adams County. Those dispatchers could patch calls to Aurora, but not until they had taken down the address, he said. That consumes time.

Frankly, I don't care where I call 911 from, the entire purpose of having, and paying for, 911 is to prevent these kinds of delays. The city government of Aurora, Colorado, clearly doesn't understand that. Don't you just LOVE that
Exceptional service to the community provided by well trained professionals.

Way to go, Aurora Fire Department!
All in all, an interesting day, don't you think?