...If anyone's noticed, as I have, that the torrent of seemingly never-ending anti-war protests has mysteriously dried up.
You see, there's a difference between protesting something on principle... Like, say, "you don't have a right to any more of my money, you jerks," and protesting something because you oppose the politician currently in charge.
Under the Bush Administration, every deployment of our troops outside the U.S. met with furious protest, rallies, signs, placards, bad t-shirt slogans, paint being thrown at people, and furious blog posts denouncing the government.
It's funny how obvious the Left is; since the election, all that has dried up like the meaningless dust it was in the first place...
...Despite the fact that our troops haven't come home. The only real change in our overseas deployments has been that some troops have moved out of Iraq, to Afghanistan. Afghanistan, of course, is a nation in which we have far less chance of a successful resolution than we did, and do, in Iraq; but hey, "the right people" are in charge now, and that makes it ok, despite the fact that those "right people" are doing...
...The very same thing as the previous administration.
If it was morally UNjustified under President Bush, it cannot suddenly be morally justified under President Obama.
Which means any one of three things, none of which is good for the Left.
Either the War On Terror was morally unjustified to begin with - in which case it's still wrong under the Left...
Or it was morally justified to begin with - in which case the Left was protesting just because it was Bush, and anything you can use as ammunition is ok...
Or the war itself is considered irrelevant by the Left, useful only as a tool for propaganda.
We have always been at war with EastAsia, citizens.
So, I have a question for all our military people, everyone we've deployed under arms overseas.
Does it feel good, knowing that the deaths of your friends, the injuries and sacrifices you've endured and continue to endure, serve only to provide political ammunition of the Left - and no other purpose whatsoever?
I bet it doesn't.
Which brings me to my second question.
...Are you going to DO something about it?
Thursday, October 01, 2009
I Wonder...
ANGRILY SCRIBBLED BY: Xeno at 10/01/2009 03:11:00 AM
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