Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Obsession Is A Dangerous Weapon...

That was the tagline for a pretty good movie from a few years ago, "The Vanishing."

A movie just came out to which it applies as well, only more so.

You guys may not realize this, but Jim Carrey is a fine actor, in every sense.

All of these things frame something simple: a movie review!

Just recently, a movie called "The Number 23" appeared in - and vanished from - theaters, practically overnight. That's really too bad. Maybe the ads didn't sell it properly - I admit I didn't see many.

It was, however, a damn fine film.

First, I will start by saying that I have seen quite a few movies by director Joel Schumacher; some great (Flatliners), some decent (A Time To Kill), some not so good (Dying Young). But when he shines, he really, really shines(Falling Down).

So, it was with a bit of skepticism, but hope, that we sat down to watch "The Number 23." A movie about obsession, starring Jim Carrey, filmed by Joel Schumacher? Hmmmmm...

How can I put this: We're buying it, as soon as it comes out on DVD.

There are enough really nasty plot twists to satisfy anyone; there is in fact a decent amount of obsession; there is a really great mystery, a really creepy subtext, some very odd "coincidences," and a TON of creepy moments, all filmed in a surreal, Nine-Inch-Nails-music-video style that reminded me a lot of some moments in "Se7en."

Schumacher apparently has been taking lessons from Fincher, which is not a bad thing; I've always accorded more credit to Fincher's films than most people I know, and seeing Schumacher - who I already like - taking the kind of filmmaking risks that David Fincher take was a treat, to be sure.

But what made the film was Jim Carrey.

I don't know how many of you watched "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind." More of you should have, than did, for sure; it didn't do well in theaters either.

That's easy to explain. Since Jim Carrey has made a staggering assream of money with his goofball comedies, he can now pick any kind of movie he likes to star in. His last two - ESOTSM and "23" I certainly hope are examples of where he's going. They're risky films, and they're the kind of films studios hate - because they not only ask, but REQUIRE, that their audiences think.

Thought, in a movie? Scary idea, indeed. Which is why movies like "23," and - another perfect example of the type - "One Hour Photo," starring Robin Williams as a sociopathic stalker, don't do well at theaters.

It's amazing how well they seem to do on video, though. As word of mouth grows, DVD rentals and sales pick up, until they make more money on DVD than most movies make in theaters.

I hope this is one of them; "23" deserves every penny it gets, and I hope it encourages Jim Carrey to try more roles like this; the whole film revolves around him - in more ways than are immediately apparent - and he carries it brilliantly.



Yeah, you. Over here.

This is your word of mouth calling.

Go rent - or buy - "The Number 23." It's one of the better movies this year. Don't be put off by the box office numbers; drones never go see movies that require thought. Ask yourself to be a bit better than that; exercise your mind; and go see this movie.

It'll rock your socks.