Saturday, May 21, 2005

It Just Keeps Getting Weirder

Today, we just plain have a bunch of weird crap. Here's the four best.

First, gamers have long been suspecting that Infinium Labs' "Phantom" was exactly that, vaporware. They're right: it's nowhere to be found. Not that anybody is surprised by this, but why even bother to issue a press release?
Second, if you know you have an assload of drugs in your car, why call OnStar? Well, because you locked your toddler into the drugmobile, apparently. Dumbass.
Third, they're finally getting around to disciplining the Florida judge who told one lady to "close your legs and stop having kids." Granted, that's not really appropriate behavior for a judge, but damn, it's about time SOMEbody told her that.
And last but certainly not least, the FAA announces that they're stopping a new trend before it starts: NO BILLBOARDS IN SPACE! That's right, if you thought of advertising your company in a REALLY BIG way, you're outta luck. Not that I can really imagine any company being asinine enough to do that, but hey. Why not make a law against it anyway.

Just thought you guys might like to see some of the silliness that really goes on on a daily basis.