Monday, May 02, 2005

Prison Time For You! Yours Truly, Orrin Hatch

Slyck News offers this tidbit today.

It appears that Senator Orin Hatch (R-UT) can finally rest his hat a on sucessful pro-copyright act. Co-signed by Patrick Leahy (D-VT), John Cornyn (R-TX) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005 (FECA) amends the existing copyright laws by criminalizing two particular infringing activities. President George W. Bush signed the Act on Wednesday.

This is the legislation I was talking about earlier, that allows ClearPlay to edit DVDs. Wonderful! just like I said, it also provides for stiff fines and prison time if you're caught in possession of a movie prior to its theatrical release. You can read the actual text of the bill here.
Not coincidentally, RIAA and MPAA lawsuits have topped 10,000 people - at an average settlement of $3000 a pop, that's $30 million, folks. Oh, and by the way, it's also 2 percent of ALL lawsuits brought before federal courts in the last 3 years.

How pitiful is that? There's no real excuse for 2 organizations with no legal standing being able to extort $30 million from their customers with the complicity of our lawmakers and courts, when there are so many other, more urgent things that said lawmakers and courts could be doing with their time.
Our time.
We pay for it.
Remember that. Taxes pay for the court time that's spent suing taxpayers for using p2p networks.
Doesn't it make you wish you had one of these?