Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Oddly Enough...

My Hero!

The Cape Cod Times says Kennedy was walking his dogs when he noticed six fisherman trapped on a jetty by rising tides. The tides made it difficult to walk back to shore.

Kennedy and a friend tried to reach the men using a 13-foot boat but rough waters forced them back. Firefighters were called and they brought the trapped men to safety.
...actually, not so much.
Ted Kennedy, who any of you might know is one of my FAVORITE people, attempts to rescue a bunch of people for the publicity value.. and messes it up. What a surprise.

Reaching a new height, or low (to be more accurate) in the field of good sense and deep thought, the candidate running against Hillary Clinton for her New York Senate seat sent a letter out to all the voters she could find, wanting donations... including Hillary Clinton.
Now, I personally think Hillary Clinton couldn't disappear fast enough, but that does stretch the bounds of "reasonable and prudent fundraising."
Go check out the very sensible Jeanine Pirro at her website.

In a classic case of "Well, Duh!" a reporter tells us that movies made from video games suck. No kidding.
And "Doom" will suck, and thanks to the involvement of Mr. Revision And Total Disregard For The Source Material himself, Peter Jackson, "Halo" will indubitably suck too.
However, I have to say, I do disagree with two of the reporter's choices: "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" and "Mortal Kombat." I grant that RE2 didn't make much money, but it was actually a hell of a lot better movie than the first one; sadly, as a sequel, most of the people who would have watched it had it been the first movie never gave it a chance. MK sucked, granted, but you can't hate a movie that makes 2 1/2 times its cost in sweet, sweet profits for the studios.

Now you, too can get a speeding ticket even if you're parked: I present to you the LTI 20-20 Ultralyte laser "radar" gun.
After testing American-specifcation laser speed guns, London's Daily Mail newspaper concludes that the popular LTI 20-20 Ultralyte model is prone to "wild" errors. Specifically, a wall was found to travel at 44 MPH, an empty road 33 MPH, a parked car 22 MPH, and a slow-moving bicycle at 66 MPH. These findings match those of the BBC who investigated the same device in March and September.
No kidding.

God bless Florida, for giving us so much really valuable entertainment: now they've arrested a stuffed llama, and The Smoking Gun.com was there! I don't really know what else to say about this; somehow complaints that the police must have better things to do fall by the wayside when confronted by something of the complete silliness this demonstrates.

And finally, an update on my mention of Jack Thompson's lunacy yesterday: it's ok, folks, the charity is going to get its money, because Gabe and Tycho are donating it for him. In his name.

Gotta love Tuesday morning, don'tcha?